척추동물/어류 (92) 썸네일형 리스트형 과메기 ▲ 청어 과메기 http://blog.daum.net/onidiras/15874994 과메기 https://mirror.enha.kr/wiki/%EA%B3%BC%EB%A9%94%EA%B8%B0 청어 https://mirror.enha.kr/wiki/%EC%B2%AD%EC%96%B4 구피 Poecilia reticulata ▲ 구피 http://blog.daum.net/onidiras/15872712 http://blog.daum.net/jjuba52/13807686 저수지 ? ▲ ? http://blog.daum.net/onidiras/15871605 새우 ? ▲ http://blog.daum.net/onidiras/15870640 해양공원 ? ▲ http://blog.daum.net/onidiras/15870640 가오리/Gigantic ray(홍어목) ▲ 가오리 This is manta ray, the biggest ray species in the world. Despite their scary appearance, the manta ray is indeed gentle and mainly feeds on plankton. Sometimes, you may see them leap out of the water and smash back to get rid of the parasites on their bodies! http://opahk.oceanpark.com.hk/en/student/explorer-07.html 어류 알 ????????? ▲ ? http://blog.daum.net/onidiras/15870202 ▲ 물고기 ? http://blog.daum.net/onidiras/15870790 빙어(어류 조기어강 바다빙어목 바다빙어과 빙어속) ▲ 빙어 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 12 다음