해외여행 (393) 썸네일형 리스트형 130108 암베르성 Amber Fort 코끼리 Jeep 비둘기 Tulsi 원숭이 ▲ Jeep ▲ 비둘기 Columba livia var. domestica ▲ 코끼리 Tulsi, or the holy basil, has special significance in the daily life, both religious and lay, of many Indians. The Tulsi plant is commonly worshipped in India. The two surviving "Devaras"(Tulsi plant holders), one of them being here before you, in the Seraglio portion of the Amber Palace would have been used in an age-old ritual. The queens residin.. 130108 호텔 Hotel The Gold Palace & Resorts in Jaipur 3 부겐빌레아 서리 Jacobaea maritima/Dusty Miller ▲ Ailanthus altissima/Tree of Heaven(Simaroubaceae/소태나무과) ▲ Ailanthus altissima/Tree of Heaven(Simaroubaceae/소태나무과) ▲ 부겐빌레아 ▲ Schefflera elliptica/Elliptic-Leaved Schefflera(Araliaceae/두릅나무과) ▲ Copsychus fulicatus (Muscicapidae 딱새과) ▲ Cyanthillium cinereum (Asteraceae 국화과) ▲ Euphorbia hirta 흑대극 (Euphorbiaceae 대극과) ▲ Chenopodium murale/Nettle-Leaved Goosefoot(Chenopodiaceae/명아주과) ▲ 방가지똥 Sonchus o.. 130108 Hotel The Gold Palace & Resorts in Jaipur 2 병솔나무 열매 Calotropis procera Red-wattled Lapwing 멜리카나무 Phyllanthus pectinatus ▲ ? ▲ 병솔나무 열매 ▲ Phyllanthus emblica www.inaturalist.org/observations/30851223 ▲ Calotropis procera(Apocynaceae/협죽도과) ▲ ? ▲ Vanellus indicus (Charadriidae 물떼새과) Red-wattled Lapwing 130108 Hotel The Gold Palace & Resorts in Jaipur 1 명아주 부겐빌레아 강냉이나무 석류나무 열매 Calotropis procera ▲ Ailanthus altissima/Tree of Heaven(Simaroubaceae/소태나무과) ▲ 부겐빌레아 ▲ Schefflera elliptica/Elliptic-Leaved Schefflera(Araliaceae/두릅나무과) ▲ Heliotropium zeylanicum ? ▲ Calotropis procera ▲ ? ▲ Chenopodium album/명아주(Chenopodiaceae/명아주과) ▲ Pinus wallichiana/부탄소나무(Pinaceae/소나무과) ▲ Senna polyphylla/Desert Cassia(Caesalpiniaceae/체잘피니아과) ▲ 석류나무 열매 ▲ ? 열매 130107 Jaipur Hotel The Gold Palace Kingfisher Lager Beer Foster's Australia's famous beer 목성아스파라거스 열매 탁구대 ▲ Kingfisher Lager Beer : India Beer ▲ Foster's Australia's famous beer ▲ Apis florea ▲ 목성아스파라거스 열매 ▲ 탁구대 130107 아그라 Agra 자이푸르 Jaipur 이동 무화과 종류 Calotropis procera 후투티 Prostrate Gomphrena ▲ Columba livia var. domestica ▲ Ficus palmata/Punjab Fig(Moraceae/뽕나무과) ▲ Tecoma castanifolia/Chestnutleaf Trumpetbush(Bignoniaceae/능소화과) ▲ Corvus splendens (Corvidae 까마귀과) ▲ ▲ Calotropis procera ▲ 후투티 ▲ Melanthera biflora/Sea Daisy(Asteraceae/국화과) ? ▲ Launaea procumbens/Creeping Launaea(Asteraceae /국화과) ▲ Prostrate Gomphrena/Gomphrena serrata(Amaranthaceae/비름과) www.ramblr.com/web/mymap/trip/19.. 130107 타지마할 Tāj Mahal in Agra 알리삼 나룻배 앵무새 봉황목 Jacaranda mimosifolia Mimusops elengi Plumeria Obtusa Santalum ▲ Ipomoea ? (Convolvulaceae 메꽃과) www.inaturalist.org/observations/30850680 ▲ 알리삼 ▲ 나룻배 ▲ ? ▲ 칼리안드라 Calliandra haematocephala ▲ Funambulus pennantii ▲ Rose-ringed Parakeet 목도리앵무 Psittacula krameri (Psittaculidae 목도리앵무과 Psittaciformes 앵무새목) ▲ 나비목 ▲ Putranjiva roxburghii(푸트란지바과/Putranjivaceae) ▲ Jacaranda mimosifolia(능소화과/Bignoniaceae) ▲ Mimusops elengi(사포타과/Sapotaceae) ▲ Bursera erata(감람과/Burserac.. 130107 쇼핑센터 부적 고추 라임 ▲ 부적 : 고추와 라임 ▲ 고추 ▲ Citrus aurantifolia/lime(Rutaceae/운향과) 라임 열매 이전 1 ··· 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ··· 50 다음