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해외여행/1301 인도 바라나시 아그라 자이푸르

130108 암베르성 Amber Fort 코끼리 Jeep 비둘기 Tulsi 원숭이



 ▲ Jeep







 ▲ 비둘기 Columba livia var. domestica



 ▲ 코끼리



  Tulsi, or the holy basil, has special significance in the daily life, both religious and lay, of many Indians.


  The Tulsi plant is commonly worshipped in India. The two surviving "Devaras"(Tulsi plant holders), one of them being here before you, in the Seraglio portion of the Amber Palace would have been used in an age-old ritual. The queens residing in the royal apartments would have after bathing offered water, standing beside them, first to the Sun God, and thereafter to the Tulsi plants in them. They would have also lit a lamp here in the evening after sun-set, singing hymns in praise of the plant.
Medicinally, Tulsi leaves are used as a tonic, antiseptic and digestive. Its oil rubbed on the temple relieves headache and is also used to ease childbirth. The fragrance of its flower keeps away flies.










 ▲ Tulsi(꿀풀과)





▲ 원숭이 Semnopithecus entellus (Cercopithecidae 긴꼬리원숭이과) https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/36514712



